Section: Dissemination


Brice Goglin is in charge of the diffusion of the scientific culture for the Inria Research Center of Bordeaux. He is also a member of the national Inria committee on Scientific Mediation. He gave numerous talks about high performance computing and research careers to general public audience and school student, as well as several radio and paper interviews about Inria's activities. He is also involved in the popularization of computer programming and robotics programming and gave several wide audience seminar on these topics.

Brice Goglin gave talks about Software releases and Source version control with GIT in internal Inria seminars.

Samuel Thibault gave a talk about the structure of Internet and questions of security at "Unithé ou Café"

Olivier Aumage gave a talk at Seminar Modeling, at the Maison de la Simulation on the StarPU Runtime System.

Runtime organized a 2-days PRACE Advanced Training Center session where several member of the team gave talks about programming heterogeneous parallel architectures with tools such as StarPU and hwloc.